Friday, April 9, 2010

Crazy Pups

Over the last year the pups have developed a few new quirks. Sophie is a lot calmer than she used to be, but still full of energy when she wants to be. Bella is just non-stop energy. Bella follows Sophie around most of the time and bites her ankles or her butt to get Sophie to play with her. Sophie has taken to hiding in places that Bella can't get to i.e. behind the couches and under the bed.

Bella is pretty ball-crazy. The ball doesn't need to be in one piece anymore either, just so long as you can throw it. She loses them under the couch a lot, and barks at them until one of us retrieves it for her. She tries to access her genes by hunting stuff once in a while. She gets pretty excited if you tell her to "get the mouse!". We had a mouse problem a few months back. Bella never caught it, but she damn sure tried!

Sophie has taken to helping herself to the kitchen counter. My circus dog. She jumps onto a dining room chair, then onto the table, then walks across and hops up onto the kitchen counter. Here she has eaten the following: granola, valentines cookies, a novelty reeses cup heart, and leftovers in the kitchen sink. The reeses heart taught us how to deal with a dog that's eaten something they shouldn't have: a little hydrogen peroxide to make them puke it up. Awesome.

Here are some newer pictures:

They do like to cuddle together...

One of my favorites of Sophie...

Waiting for me to come home...

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